What characterizes my clients is their lack of complacency.
They are Vice Presidents, Directors and Managers
who are committed to taking their organizations
to new levels of achievement and impact.
They come from a broad range of industries: Biopharma, High Tech and Health Care, to name three. The areas of functional responsibilities of these executives and managers are likewise diverse: Manufacturing, Marketing, Finance, Customer Service, Legal, Human Resources, Information Technology, Research & Development...
What they have in common is not their organizations’ backgrounds but their managements’ vision and commitment.
Typical issues these highly committed managers face:
A constantly increasing set of demands coupled with limited resources
Whether the higher bar comes from increasing demand for their services, a pressure for higher product or process quality, increasing regulatory requirements or new objectives on top of existing ones, these managers are being asked to do more than ever before, again and again. |
Process Breakdowns
Significant staff time is spent troubleshooting or band-aiding systems that aren’t working smoothly. The breakdowns may either be within the manager’s span of control, or in interdepartmental processes their groups work with. The result is costly in terms of risk, staff time and lost opportunities.
Budding Opportunities
They have the vision and expertise to see budding opportunities to increase their impact on the organization, but insufficient bandwidth to capitalize on these opportunities.
Staff Development
They have a high commitment to develop their staff. They recognize the limitations of classroom training but hit the wall with insufficient hours in the day to develop their staff the way they would like to.
Rethinking Operational Approaches
Organizational drivers such as higher productivity requirements, risk reduction, need for enhanced customer service, cost reduction, and staff reductions are leading them to rethink their operational approaches. They are questioning the assumptions that their systems have been built on, and wondering whether there are design infrastructures better suited to today’s environment, resources and requirements.
Do any of these sound familiar to you? If so, let’s talk.
To learn more about how I can help, you may want to read Services.
To learn more about how I work, read Approach.
To learn more about me, click on About Me.
To learn more about how to get the most out of our engagement, open Maximizing the Impact.
If you want to learn more about how my clients recognize a need I may be the solution for, see When to Call.

“If I were choosing a consultant, I'd want a sense of what that person is like to work with. With this in mind, I asked clients and colleagues to share their experience of working with me through photographs. All people in the pictures are clients or colleagues I have collaborated with. Thus, the interpersonal dynamics you see throughout the site are real and representative of what it is like to work with me.”
— Nancy Dill |